CIIDS Experts Visited Australia

On June 3-12, 2023, CIIDS Vice Chairman Feng Wei and Director of CIIDS Center for Chinese Economic Studies Professor Liu Xinghua visited Australia at the invitation of the China Chamber of Commerce in Australia, Melbourne Branch and delivered keynote speeches at the“Post Pandemic China-Australia Economic Cooperation Forum”.

While in Australia, Vice Chairman Feng Wei paid a courtesy call on the Chinese Ambassador to Australia His Excellency Mr. Xiao Qian and visited Asialink of the University of Melbourne, the Australian Centre on China in the World of the Australian National University, and the Australia-China Relations Institute of the University of Technology Sydney, and held talks with former Australian Foreign Minister the Hon. Bob Carr as well as Australian experts and scholars, conducting in-depth exchange of views on the bilateral ties and economic, trade and think tank cooperation between China and Australia. 

On June 5-6, 2023, the“Post Pandemic China-Australia Economic Cooperation Forum” was held in Melbourne. The event was organized by the China Chamber of Commerce in Australia, Melbourne Branch with the support of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). The event, themed“Sharing Opportunities for A Bright Future”, provided a great opportunity for China and Australia business communities to enhance understanding, build mutual trust, and promote cooperation. More than 300 Chinese, Australian and foreign participants attended the forum, including the Hon. Premier Daniel Andrews of Victoria, Acting Consul General Zeng Jianhua from the Chinese Consulate General in Melbourne, former Australian Minister for Trade the Hon. Andrew Robb, Minister-Counsellor Gao Feng from the Chinese Embassy in Australia, Counsellor Bian Changzheng of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Consulate General in Melbourne, the Lord Mayor of Melbourne the Hon. Sally Capp, as well as senior executives from well-known Australian and Chinese companies and elites from the academic community.

Around the theme“Understanding China, Understanding Australia”, Vice Chairman Feng Wei delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Forum on CIIDS’s behalf, calling on the two countries to enhance communication, reduce“understanding deficit”, seize on common development opportunities and expand convergence and community of shared interests. 

Director Liu Xinghua of CIIDS Center for Chinese Economic Studies made a plenary speech around how to enhance China-Australia Economic and trade ties through joint efforts in the post-pandemic era with an eye to shaping a new future for China-Australia economic cooperation.

On June 7, 2023, CIIDS experts paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Mr. Xiao Qian, the Chinese Ambassador to Australia.

On June 5, 2023, CIIDS experts visited Asialink of the University of Melbourne and held a talk with Former Australian Ambassador to Japan and India Mr. John McCarthy AO, former Australian Ambassador to the Republic of Korea Mr. Colin Heseltine, Asialink Group CEO Ms. Martine Letts, Asialink Business CEO Mr. Leigh Howard, Chair in International Relations at Deakin University Professor He Baogang, CEO of Australia-China Center for Belt and Road Industrial Cooperation Ms. Jean Dong, Professor of Finance at RMIT University Mr. On Kit Tam, and Emeritus Professor of Chinese History of the University of New South Wales Ms. Louise Edwards.  

On June 7, 2023, CIIDS experts visited the Australian Centre on China in the World of the Australian National University, and held a talk with the Center Director Professor Ben Hillman, Professor of Crawford School of Public Policy at the Australian National University Ms. Jean Golley, and Senior Lecturer and anthropologist of the Australian National University Dr. Tom Cliff. 

On June 8, 2023, CIIDS experts visited the Australia-China Relations Institute of the University of Technology Sydney, and held a talk with former Australian Foreign Minister the Hon. Bob Carr and the Institute Director Professor James Laurenceson.